Clarity and Incoherence: You Never Want To Assume The Other Guy Knows What You Are Talking About
No (Man) will have dominion over any other man.
Any system of government that does not account the Least, must be deemed a failure.
The Golden Rule, the greatest plausible deception, still applys, however inconvenient.
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Politics is the science that studies the failures in human relations with the intent to perpetuate them.
The Sculptures shown on these pages are placed thereupon for added enjoyment. (diversion)
There are three versions of this file; the two listed below, and the version in Catherine , under The Manuscript, starting on Page 330.
Aprropos Of Nothing
Do Us A Favor
The more positive things the author can find to say regarding civilization, merely reflects the diminishment of his expectations .
Utopia is a visionary scheme which fails to recognize the defects inherent in human nature
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Dominoes .
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Government may be an abode where compromises are required, but also a place where certain substantive issues cannot be compromised by any form of government. These are the sacred, often unspoken, covenants, that have existed between men (women) for time immemorial, never to be violated, to be transgressed, or compromised, regardless of any overshadowing expedient.
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Even though what we regard as consciousness,, and what might be regarded as a dream, they may be indistinguishable.
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Log House Building In The Bush
The spokespeople for the Government say things that seem unbelievable because what they say seems so mean, cruel, hurtful, completely lacking in empathy, and disastrously inhuman. We say to ourselves, if these people believe what they say (as seems apparent) then we are living in a Nazi country and we are headed down a road from which there is no return.